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Happy Belated Birthday!

by 자슈아 2024. 2. 25.

"Happy belated birthday" is a phrase used to wish someone well on their birthday after the actual date has passed. "Belated" means late or delayed, so when someone says "happy belated birthday," they are acknowledging that they missed the opportunity to wish the person a happy birthday on the correct day and are doing so now, albeit late. It's a polite and friendly way to extend birthday wishes even if they're a little late in doing so.



Hey there! Sorry I missed your birthday yesterday.

Happy belated birthday!




Aw, thank you so much! No worries at all.

It's the thought that counts.



Still, I feel bad for not reaching out on your special day.

How did you celebrate?



Oh, just had a small gathering with family and friends.

Nothing too fancy,

but it was nice to be surrounded by loved ones.



That sounds lovely.

I'm glad you had a good time.